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Hamsayeh means ‘neighbour’ in Farsi.

Jesus commanded his followers to “love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31) and there is no better way to obey this command than to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed, see people saved and believers grow in their faith. All that we seek to do permeates from this vision, as we minister amongst Afghans, Iranians and Tajiks, both in the diaspora and beyond.
Our Story


Jesus has promised that if we “abide in him”, he has sole responsibility in bringing the fruit because apart from him “we can do nothing.” (John 15:5). In light of this wonderful assurance we seek, by the Holy Spirit’s leading, to serve Farsi speakers in the following ways:


Introducing our new and exciting resource created by Farsi speakers for Farsi speakers.

Radio Hamdam ( is on air 24/7 and can be easily accessed from anywhere in the world.
In Farsi, HAMDAM means close companion and it’s our prayer that as many tune in to hear the life-transforming message of the Gospel proclaimed, that Jesus will become their close friend and Saviour.
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Listener Quote
“Last night I was listening to the teaching on the Psalms and I liked it very much and it brought me peace.” M- UK
Listener Quote
“Right now my life is hell on earth because for decades I have been mistreated by various authorities. I need your help.” B- Sweden
Listener Quote
“When I wake up and listen to Radio Hamdam it makes my day much better as I feel the presence of God” H- UK


“I was almost on the verge of ending my life. Away from home and my family and subject to physical and verbal abuse, I was without hope. The love and care you showed me saved my life.”
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Iran in the Bible

Entwined within the pages of the Bible are prophetic visions, historical accounts of Persian rulers, tales of mighty battles, and decrees that reshaped civilizations. Surprisingly, despite its prominence, the Bible mentions Iran only a few times, yet it portrays Persia as a chosen instrument for fulfilling divine purposes.

"Iran in the Bible" delves into this captivating narrative, drawing from ancient Persian manuscripts, archaeological findings, and scholarly interpretations. It uncovers the pivotal roles of both Persia and the Jewish people in the realization of God's covenant with Abraham, promising blessings to all nations.

By illustrating God's direct intervention in human affairs, "Iran in the Bible" provides solace to those navigating through uncertain times.

Amir Arian, Founder & CEO