Our Trustees
Our team of trustees are invaluable to the smooth operation of Hamsayeh International. Pushing forward with passion, dedication, expertise and commitment, we introduce:
Mark Meynell is Director (Europe & Caribbean) for Langham Preaching, a ministry working in over seventy countries. Previously, he pastored in Sheffield and London churches and taught at a Ugandan seminary. He has written several books, including
A Wilderness of Mirrors (Zondervan, 2015) and
When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend (IVP, 2018). He is married to Rachel and they have two university-aged children. He blogs at
Patrick is the lead chaplain at Heathrow Immigration Removal Centre, where he sees his role as bringing to detainees from across the globe the life-transforming hope of the Gospel. He is also on the leadership team of his home church in North Harrow. He is married to Rachel and they have 3 lovely children: Anna, Joshua and Daniel.
Michael is a Consultant Pathologist from County Down in Northern Ireland, living in Manchester and blessed with a Northern Irish wife, two teenage daughters and three cats. He is a founding member of Trinity Community Church (TCC). Along with his wife Susan he leads a Farsi ministry to asylum seekers and refugees at TCC and speaks Farsi badly after years of food and fellowship with Iranian friends. He is a keen pianist with a huge passion for classical music and loves preaching and opening up the Gospel to new believers.
Having been involved in ministry in the Arab World, Pastoral Support for overseas workers, Safeguarding and most recently Pastoral work in the UK June has retired. She continues to be actively involved in her local church and is a trustee for three other organisations.
A retired minister of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, having faithfully served for 38 years, John is married to Joan. He continues to contribute to the Church by assisting in the training of future ministers and serving as part of the preaching team at First Ballymena Presbyterian Church. Additionally, he is proud to serve as Chaplain to the Motorcycle Union of Ireland, fulfilling the role of Race Chaplain.
“It is a privilege to support Amir and Clare, along with the work of Hamsayeh International, as they bring the light of Jesus into hearts and communities that are in darkness. Their love for Farsi-speakers is evident.” P Wright
“It has been a privilege and joy to see HI grow from the germ of an idea into a full-fledged ministry with enormous potential. It is led by faithful gospel servants fuelled by a genuine love for God’s Farsi-speaking people.” M Meynell